Marketing Systems

RS 360 is a proven turnkey annuity lead generation system that connects agents and advisors with those in or approaching retirement. Learn how this platform education-based program can help you build your annuity business by providing you with:

  • Up to 15 FACE-TO-FACE appointments each month
  • Over a 50% appointment conversion ratio
  • A system to create a conversation, not just a presentation
  • A personalized website* promoting your RS 360 workshops
  • Income and risk-analysis software with customized reports*
  • Complete step-by-step training guides, audio, and video
  • Personalized coaching calls
Retirement Shield 360 System

If you have the experience and material to run your workshop and are tired of the high cost of solicitation, we can solve that problem for you.

  • 20-30 buying units on average for around $2,000
  • Typically, we can supply two workshops for $3,000
  • Online registration system
  • Completely transparent pricing system!

Each qualified annuity lead will include a complete name, address, email, phone number, age, gender, city, state, investment money available, how much they want to invest in an annuity, and household income. The leads are confirmed by speaking directly with our customer service representatives.

  • Annuity branded. The prospects know they are inquiring about annuities.
  • 100% exclusive
  • Choose your territory by county or zip code radius
  • No bulk buying or pre-payment; choose your budget
  • Proven system utilizing our sales training and case design

Social media and internet reputation are the required storefronts of today’s businesses. You can’t have an annuity business producing at its full potential without it. The problem is that most annuity agents don’t have the time or resources to manage social media and website content. We can take care of that!

  • Fully managed internet and social media branding
  • Fully managed Facebook content
  • Storefront website with videos, content, and customizations*
  • Google Local Business management*
  • Podcasting production and distribution
  • Promotional video production

Co-founded and developed in 2009 by Anthony Owen, President of Annuity Agents Alliance, Safe Money & Income® Radio is the most widely distributed, longest-lasting and most successful turnkey radio annuity lead-generating marketing system in the country.

With more and more baby boomers turning 65 every day, there is no better time to be on the radio. Just some of the benefits of radio include:

  • Branding
  • Credibility
  • Enhancement of other marketing systems
  • Continuous and repetitive reach to your prospects and clients
  • Increased referral business
  • A continuous flow of annuity, asset-based LTC and life insurance leads