Sales Process

The 5-Step Sales Process was created by Anthony Owen, President of Annuity Agents Alliance, in 2011. Anthony built a $20+ million annuity business from the ground up starting in 2006 and then used his sales process from that success to help other agents achieve highly productive results. The system is simple and easy to implement with our mentorship. When you partner with us, we will provide you with:

  • Step-by-step training, from fact finder to close
  • Fully mentored coaching
  • Video and audio training
  • Full illustrative case designs based on how we have successfully sold annuities
  • Proprietary case design software*
  • Up to $5 million cash with app closed with this system from one client

Annuity Agents Alliance designed proprietary software that allows you to present one-page solutions to your client’s retirement dilemmas, guaranteed lifetime income, inflation, and spousal survivorship. This software is free to Annuity Agents Alliance partners and available with online access.

  • Annuity Income Illustrator: With just a couple clicks of your mouse, you can display up to 18 income riders side by side, showing every deferral year of payments ranked by highest income. The software filters the availability of products based on age, gender, state, and premium.
  • Annuity Income Planner: Our income planning software allows you to display all of a client’s income on a single illustrative page.
    Employment income, pensions, Social Security, rents, and the annuity income you are proposing can be displayed and compared against desired income adjusted for inflation. Showing the client their income gap compared to what they have and desire and showing them how your planning fills that gap on a single-page illustration is one of the most powerful sales tools you can use. We have closed more $1 million+ cases than we can count using this software.

Annuity Agents Alliance contracted and producing partners get complimentary access to software that compares indexed annuity lookback rates and software that allows you to sort through numerous annuity carriers and products for the best rates and features.

We have developed a library of sales tools and client handout materials for our partners to use during their presentations. These tools are available to our contracted and producing partners and can be customized by our creative services team with your logo, bio, and contact information. Our Safe Money Kit has been used for over two decades and is a proven tool to increase sales.