How to effectively qualify your prospects

Do you know that it takes roughly 50 questions to properly uncover whether your prospect is suitable for an annuity or not? We only ask because most of the agents we work with didn’t know this at first–maybe even us when we first started.

In a discovery visit, your ability to ask intentional questions (and then listen to the answer) is your greatest superpower. It allows you to not only get the information you need to be able to recommend the best/right product–it also shows them that you care.

People who seek to understand. And those who feel understood will want to work with you time and time again. Understanding the right questions to ask is part of our 5-Step Sales Process that we take all of our agents through. It’s a proven method that has helped all of our agents be successful.

Curious what the other 4 steps are? Click here.


The agents that we work with mean the world to us—especially Del Fujinaka CWA, CEPA, and Cashflow Coach. Hear how Del got involved with Annuity Agents Alliance and how it helped him pivot his business from a financial advisor model to an annuities model.